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The Godsong: Finding Hope in the Aftermath of Haiti’s Earthquake

The Godsong: Finding Hope in the Aftermath of Haiti’s Earthquake. A reflection by Fr. Rick Frechette, two weeks after the devastating earthquake in Haiti on 14 August 2021.Port au Prince, HaitiAugust 28, 2021 Dear Friends 1 God is our refuge and strength,an ever-present help in trouble.2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give […]

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Misean Cara presents at 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD)

Join us on Tuesday 21st Sept when Misean Cara Senior Project Officer, Anthony Hannon, will present at the 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD). In its ninth year, the theme for the 2021 ICSD is ‘Research for Impact: An Inclusive and Sustainable Planet‘. The conference format will include panels, interviews, and keynote speakers held

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Misean Cara welcomes three new members to its Board of Directors

At its 2021 AGM on June 23rd, Misean Cara welcomed three new members to its Board of Directors: Sr. Franca Onyibor; Fr. Seamus O’Neill; and Ms. Sandra Neville. Their appointments follow on the recent departures from the Board of: Chairperson Justin Kilcullen (who stepped down after six years on the Board, including two as Chairperson),

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Misean Cara in The Irish Catholic

“Covid hits Irish Missionaries hard, but still much to offer” The Irish Catholic July 15, 2021 Misean Cara CEO, John Moffett, was recently interviewed by journalist Ruadhán Jones for an article that appeared in July 15th edition of The Irish Catholic. The article highlights the specific challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to missionaries

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Misean Cara Condemns Forced Eviction of Indigenous Community

Misean Cara CEO, John Moffett, today condemned the forced eviction of an indigenous community in Paraguay, in direct contravention of the country’s own constitution. Referring to the May 13th expulsion from ancestral lands at Cerrito of the Ava Guaraní people, Mr. Moffett said: “This act violates Articles 62, 63 and 64 of the National Constitution

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Laudato Si’ Week 2021: Meeting the needs of the furthest behind through climate action and sustainable development

Ahead of Laudato Si’ Week 2021 (May 16-25) Misean Cara Livelihoods Project Officer, Don Lucey, reflects on the role that sustainable development can play in addressing the climate crisis. He highlights two Misean Cara member projects that are helping vulnerable communities protect their environment and adapt to climate change while also promoting food security and

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