“Covid hits Irish Missionaries hard, but still much to offer” The Irish Catholic July 15, 2021
Misean Cara CEO, John Moffett, was recently interviewed by journalist Ruadhán Jones for an article that appeared in July 15th edition of The Irish Catholic. The article highlights the specific challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to missionaries and how they have responded through quick identification of need and by utilising their unique approach to international development projects (MADI – Missionary Approach to Development Interventions).
“As you can only expect from Irish missionaries, dealing with shocks and change is second nature to them. There was a determination and flexibility that they brought to their work that was appreciated by the communities they work with and ourselves in Misean Cara. It was terrific.” – John Moffett, Misean Cara CEO
To view the full article, please click here.