2022 Misean Cara Climate Action Awards – recognising climate action by communities on the frontlines of climate change

Today Misean Cara announced the winners of the 2022 Misean Cara Climate Action Awards. This year’s winners come from projects in India, South Sudan and Nigeria and were received by three Misean Cara members and partners: The Salesian Sisters, Irish Jesuits International and the Multi-educational and Agricultural Jesuit Institute of South Sudan (MAJIS); and the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary and Ifendu for Women’s Development project.

To read more about this year’s winners, please click here.

Climate Action Awards

Presented each year for the past three years, the Misean Cara Climate Action Awards are awarded to member projects and individuals who are actively involved in helping the communities hardest hit by the effects of climate change build economic and climate resilience by adopting sustainable farming methods, promoting cleaner fuels for cooking and heating, and nurturing against biodiversity loss.

Misean Cara is committed to recognising the heroic and innovative measures our members are taking to tackle the climate crisis head-on in the communities where they work and live. The Misean Cara Climate Action Awards were launched in 2020 to celebrate these projects and encourage more sustainable development activities by our members in the field.

Read more about our Climate Action Awards programme here.

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