September is My Legacy Month!

September is My Legacy Month – Plant a seed. Grow your legacy. Include a gift in your will for Misean Cara.

What is legacy giving and why is it important?

Legacy giving – leaving a legacy gift to a favourite charity – can have a great impact on the future income and capacity of a charity, and is vital for helping charities plan for a sustainable, shock-proof future for themselves and the causes they serve.

What is My Legacy?

My Legacy was established in 2006 by a small group of Irish charities who knew the great impact that legacy gifts can have on the future income and capacity of a charity.

My Legacy has since grown to an umbrella group of 85+ Irish charities working together to make legacy giving the norm in Ireland. Now, each September, My Legacy members approach their supporters to ask them to consider leaving a legacy gift in their will, once all other important personal decisions have been made.

Misean Cara is proud to be a My Legacy member.

Leave a gift in your will to Misean Cara and help us sustain the tradition of Irish missionary work for decades to come!

If you would like to discuss leaving a legacy gift to Misean Cara, to help us sustain the incredible, decades-long impact of Irish missionary development work overseas, please contact Jennifer Donovan at (01) 405 5028 or email

Including a legacy gift in your will, once all other important personal decisions have been made, is simple and easy to do. For more information about My Legacy and leaving a legacy gift in your will, visit

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