Annual Report 2022

1.7 Million People in 53 Countries Benefited from Irish Missionary Projects supported by Misean Cara 

At our AGM today in Dublin, we were pleased to launch our 2022 Annual Report, which details key results showing the invaluable contributions made by Irish missionary organisations to Ireland’s international development goals, through their unique approach to development work. 

Throughout the past year, Misean Cara played a crucial role in supporting our members in delivering life-transforming projects to vulnerable people around the world, allocating €14.1 million in funding to support 327 projects in 53 countries targeting 1.7 million people. 

Implemented by 53 Misean Cara member organisations, these projects delivered real impact to communities across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East by upholding rights to climate-resilient livelihoods, access to better healthcare and quality education, mobilising excluded people in the promotion of their human rights, and by providing emergency assistance in times of crisis. 

At the AGM, Misean Cara CEO, John Moffett, shared that “Irish missionary projects worldwide continue to make a significant difference to the lives of the poorest and most excluded by addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality. Missionaries build strong relationships of trust with local communities, fostering long-term, sustained benefits to the lives of those most in need.”

2022 Impact Highlights include:

  • Climate Resilient Livelihoods
    €2.2 million invested in climate secure livelihoods and decent jobs – 50% of targeted households headed by women
  • Quality Education 
     99% of students in Misean Cara-supported education projects stayed enrolled throughout the year (less than 1% drop out rate)
  • Better Health
    1.1 million people supported with access to quality healthcare, clean water and improved sanitation
  • Human Rights
    More than 1.2 million people educated about their human rights and how to protect them (40% under age 18)

The 2022 Misean Cara Annual Report is available here to view and download here

To view the 2022 Misean Cara Annual Report in microsite format, click here

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