How are the Girls? – A Report into the Impact of COVID-19 on Girls’ Education and Welfare


Since March 2020, 111 million students have dropped out of school in developing countries, many of them girls. In a new report launched this week at the Headquarters of the UISG International Union of Superiors General in Rome, research supported by Misean Cara and carried out by four international religious congregations, examines issues and questions around the theme of ‘How are the Girls?’ in the context of their basic human rights during the unprecedented crisis of the #COVID19 pandemic and what their futures hold going forward.

Conducted by the #GoodShepherdSisters, #SalesianSisters, #ComboniSisters and #SistersOfOurLadyoftheMissions, the research examines quantitative and qualitative data on more than 3,400 girls ages 10 to 20 from #Nepal, #Kenya, #India, #SouthSudan, #Peru and #Ecuador, including many first-hand accounts and evidence from the girls themselves.

Results of the research will guide future programmes of the religious congregations in the areas of #education and the protection and promotion of the #RightsofGirls.

To read the full study click here:

More information behind the study itself can be read in an article on the VIDES website.

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