Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) from Irish Government reaches €1.2 billion in Budget 2023.

Misean Cara joins Dóchas and its other NGO members in welcoming today’s budget news from the Irish Government of a record €1.2 billion in Overseas Development Aid (ODA) spending for 2023. The figure announced today is a €177 million increase (17%) over the 2022 ODA commitment.

In its online statement about today’s ODA budget announcement, Dóchas comments “In this, the Irish Government has demonstrated its solidarity with the most marginalised people across the world who are affected by severe hunger, conflict and the effects of climate change.”

For Misean Cara’s members, this vital funding will in part help support missionary development projects around the world.

More details below about today’s #Budget2023 announcement concerning ODA spending can be read here: Dóchas | Dóchas Welcomes Government Commitment to Overseas Aid in Budget 2023 (dochas.ie)

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