Misean Cara Project Officer for Livelihoods, Don Lucey, will speak at this year’s annual DSAI Conference on Friday 12th Nov. In his presentation Don will address ‘Climate Change and its Devastating Consequences for Livelihoods in the Developing World’. His talk will be part of Friday’s ‘Civil Society’ parallel session from 12:45 – 2:45pm IST.
The theme of this years DSAI (Development Studies Association of Ireland) conference is ‘Climates of/for Development’ and looks at the ways that NGOs and other development organisations can play their part to to reduce climate change and advocate for national and global action from governments, corporations and energy producing companies, and also amplify the voices of those suffering the greatest consequences of global warming.
Registration to the conference, which is online this year, is free. Click here for a link to register.
For more information about this year’s DSAI annual conference, click here.