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Our spending
breakdown 2022

Increasing Misean Cara’s profile in Ireland and beyond and building a solid base of support for the missionary approach to development are key objectives within our 2022 -2026 organisational strategy. We strive to engage our public audiences with compelling content about the impact and contributions of Irish missionaries, and the support that Misean Cara provides to making this happen.
In 2022 we increased our activities and public engagement across traditional and digital channels. Working with our members we identified and shared stories of how their projects reached the furthest behind and helped people empower and transform their lives.
Each year in partnership with MISSIO Ireland and AMRI, Misean Cara plans a live TV broadcast of Mass on World Mission Sunday, which in 2022 garnered 36,000 viewers in Ireland and abroad. We also launched a new website in 2022, which has helped us realise a 35% increase in web traffic over the previous year and which will provide an effective and engaging platform in future for sharing content with our key audiences.
Funding Our Work
Irish Aid
Since our founding in 2004, the majority of the funding we allocate to our members’ projects has been provided to us by Irish Aid, the Irish government’s programme for overseas development. In 2022, that figure represented €15.5m. We continue to be extremely grateful for this generous support from Irish Aid and the Irish people.

Funding Diversification
of funding sources for the future, and in 2022 continued to generate new sources of income including the successful introduction of an annual membership contribution scheme, which generated just over €300,000 in additional income.
Focus was also placed on strengthening existing partnerships and establishing relationships with new funders. A particular focus for Misean Cara is grants from overseas funding bodies, which enables us to avoid competing with members for funding within Ireland. Under a three-year agreement, the US-based GHR Foundation provided €207,392 for the care of children in projects in India, Kenya and Zambia, in addition to a further €44,500 in emergency funding to support members’ helping people impacted by the war in Ukraine. ESB Electric Aid supported the Mutito Health Dispensary in Kenya with €9,592 and provided a further €9,812 to help tea-workers and their families in India. Americares continued supporting members’ COVID-19 response in Southern Africa, providing a total of €39,985 to four projects and provided benefit in kind through online training on COVID-19 variants, vaccines and other updates to frontline staff. In late 2022, a Legacy Giving Campaign was introduced, an area of giving that we hope to grow in the future.
For further information about our work or to comment on this report, please contact:
Misean Cara
4th Floor, Callaghan House,
13-16 Dame Street, Dublin 2,
D02 HX67, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 1 405 5028
Email: info@miseancara.ie
Facebook: /MiseanCaraIreland
Twitter: @miseancara
©2023 Misean Cara

Misean Cara gratefully acknowledges the funding support of Irish Aid.

Misean Cara has signed the Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages for Non-Governmental Development Organisations.

Misean Cara has achieved the triple-lock standard of good governance & reporting standards.

Misean Cara gratefully acknowledges the funding support of GHR Foundation.

Misean Cara gratefully acknowledges the funding support of ESB Electric Aid.

Misean Cara gratefully acknowledges the funding support of Americares.